Lab Info

Department of Complex Molecular Chemistry (Suzuki Lab.)

# drug discovery # organic chemistry # medicinal chemistry # chemical biology

Department of Complex Molecular Chemistry is engaged in the creation of organic compounds that express intended activity based on organic chemistry and their application to biology (chemical biology) and medicine (drug discovery). We are engaged in chemical biology and medicinal chemistry research utilizing our extensive knowledge of synthetic organic chemistry, reaction chemistry, structural chemistry, biochemistry, physical chemistry, computational chemistry, and AI to create new biologically active compounds and elucidate their mechanisms of action. In the field of life science research targeting humans, we are conducting "research to find drug seeds that can be applied to humans and to elucidate the pathogenic mechanisms of disease states using chemical probes. We aim to develop new drugs for the treatment of diseases such as cancer and neuropsychiatric disorders by designing unique molecules based on organic chemistry.


Takayoshi Suzuki Professor
Research Map


Professor at SANKEN, Osaka University


Professor at Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine


Researcher of PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)


Lecturer at Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University


Visiting investigator at the Scripps Research Institute


Assistant professor at Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University


Research scientist at Japan Tobacco Inc.
Yukihiro Itoh Associate Professor Research Map
Yasunobu Yamashita Assistant Professor Research Map
Yuri Takada Assistant Professor Research Map
Toshiki Akiyama Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Research Map
Gene expression is regulated by epigenetic mechanisms such as histone acetylation/methylation and DNA methylation.
Epigenetic inhibitors identified through our original organic chemistry research normalize the abnormal epigenetic state in cancer cells, whereby cancer cells are differentiated into normal cells.

Current Research Topics

  • Evolution of Slow-Binding Inhibitors Targeting Histone Deacetylase Isoforms 

Anirban Mukherjee, Farzad Zamani, Takayoshi Suzuki 

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (August 31, 2023)


  • Cancer-Cell-Selective Targeting by Arylcyclopropylamine-Vorinostat Conjugates

Yosuke Ota, Yukihiro Itoh, Takashi Kurohara, Ritesh Singh, Elghareeb E. Elboray, Chenliang Hu, Farzad Zamani, Anirban Mukherjee, Yuri Takada, Yasunobu Yamashita, Mie Morita, Mano Horinaka, Yoshihiro Sowa, Mitsuharu Masuda, Toshiyuki Sakai, Takayoshi Suzuk 

ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters (September 12, 2022)


  • Selective Degradation of Histone Deacetylase 8 Mediated by a Proteolysis Targeting Chimera (PROTAC)

Jiranan Chotitumnavee, Yasunobu Yamashita, Yukari Takahashi, Yuri Takada, Tetsuya Iida, Makoto Oba, Yukihiro Itoh, Takayoshi Suzuki 

Chemical Communications (14 Mar 2022)


  • Recent Progress on Small Molecules Targeting Epigenetic Complexes

Yukihiro Itoh, Yuri Takada, Yasunobu Yamashita, Takayoshi Suzuki 

Current Opinion in Chemical Biology (2022 Feb 28)


  • Identification of Potent and Selective Inhibitors of Fat Mass Obesity Associated Protein Using a Fragment-Merging Approach

Muthuraj Prakash, Yukihiro Itoh, Yoshie Fujiwara, Yukari Takahashi, Yuri Takada, Paolo Mellini, Elghareeb E. Elboray, Mitsuhiro Terao, Yasunobu Yamashita, Chika Yamamoto, Takao Yamaguchi, Masayuki Kotoku, Yuki Kitao, Ritesh Singh, Rohini Roy, Satoshi Obika, Makoto Oba, Dan Ohtan Wang, Takayoshi Suzuki

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (November 3, 2021)

Lab Info

Department of Complex Molecular Chemistry (Suzuki Lab.)
