Our New Conference Website(Q-BASIS 2024)is now open!
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What we stand for
The purpose of this conference is to bring together leading researchers and engineers from all over the world who are conducting research related to the development and applications of quantum beams in science and industry, to exchange the newest information, and engage in fruitful discussions. The main scope of the conference is towards the novel applications of quantum beams in creation and diagnostics of new hard and soft materials. The topics also contain various quantum beam sources, including laser-plasma accelerators (LPA), as well as the next generation of radiation sources such as LPA driven free electron lasers (FEL) as tools for observing transient states of matter and stimulated chemical reactions. In addition, numerical simulations for understanding the detailed behavior of laser / quantum beams-mater interactions are included to these themes to provide a unified view of applications of quantum beams from a broader perspective.
-Quantum beam sources and novel acceleration principles, full optical accelerators
-Diagnosis ultrafast processes and hard and soft matter by quantum beams
-Quantum beam radiation chemistry, biology, and medicine
-Quantum beam techniques in modern industry
-Radiation sources based on quantum beams, full optical free electron lasers (FOFEL)
-Material processing by high-intensity pulsed laser and quantum beams
-Laser/quantum beam-induced transformation and synthesis of materials
-Imaging techniques with quantum beams and based radiation sources
-Numerical experiments in quantum beam researches
The deadlines for early bird registration and for abstract submission are EXTENDED as follows:
Early bird registration deadline: April 7, 2023 (JST)
Abstract submission deadline : April 14, 2023 (JST)
Applications for banquet & tour deadline : April 17, 2023 (JST)
Conference Organizers
Special Thanks
Official Supporters
(Japanese syllabary order)