学歴 / Education
2007-2010 埼玉大学 大学院 理工学研究科 物質科学専攻. 2010年3月 博士(理学)取得. 「Magnetic Field Effects on Photochemical Reactions in Homogeneous Fluid Solution and Investigation of Photochemical Primary Process by Means of MFE Probe」
2005-2007 埼玉大学 大学院 理工学研究科 物質科学コース 2007年3月 修士 取得.
2001-2005 埼玉大学 理学部 基礎化学科 2005年3月 学士 取得.
2007-2010 Saitama University, Japan. Course in Material Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering. Doctor of Science (March, 2010). Thesis: "Magnetic Field Effects on Photochemical Reactions in Homogeneous Fluid Solution and Investigation of Photochemical Primary Process by Means of MFE Probe".
2005-2007 Saitama University, Japan. Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering. Master's in Chemistry.
2001-2005 Saitama University, Japan. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science. Bachelor in Chemistry.