Lab Info

Department of Bio-Nanotechnology (Taniguchi Lab)

# Single-molecule science # 5Generation sequencer # Early diagnostics of cancer # Artificial Intelligence

Our research group is investigating single molecule science, which involves the electrical investigation of a single atom, molecule, virus, or bacterium by integrating nanotechnology, quantum metrology, artificial intelligence, and biotechnology. In particular, we are developing fifth-generation sequencing technologies to directly analyze DNA, RNA, and amino acid sequences of peptides and proteins. Our objectives are to discover new cancer biomarkers and to develop early cancer diagnostic methods using these fifth-generation sequencing technologies. Thus far, we have developed diagnostic methods for detecting cancer. Currently, we have an ongoing research projects aiming to detect small amounts of antibodies and antigens in the body based on which drugs for cancer and other intractable diseases can be developed. Our group aspires to deliver the results of our research to the world in a prompt manner to contribute to the safety, security, health, and happiness of people around the world. We conduct consistent research ranging from basic research to applied research by employing cutting-edge technologies, such as quantum computers, and collaborating with industrial partners and startup businesses.


Masateru Taniguchi Professor
Research Map
Ph. D
2011–present Professor at The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
2008–2011 Associate Professor at The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
2002–2008 Assistant Professor at The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
2001–2002 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship (PD) at Osaka University
1998–2001 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship (DC1) at Kyoto University
2007–2011 Researcher at Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology (PRESTO), Japan Science and Technology Agency.
Makusu Tsutsui Associate Professor Research Map
Hiroyuki Tanaka Assistant Professor
Komoto Yuki Assistant Professor Research Map
Fifth Generation Sequencer Enables Early Diagnosis of Disease and Drug Discovery

Current Research Topics

  • Development of Cancer Diagnostics Using 5G Sequencers

  • Detection of Antigens and Antibodies Using 5G Sequencers

  • Development of Rapid Diagnostic Methods for Infectious Diseases Using AI Nanopores

  • Detection of Rare Events in Chemical Bonding and Chemical Reactions by Single Molecule Measurements

Lab Info

Department of Bio-Nanotechnology (Taniguchi Lab)
