Rani Boons

[ Hometown ]
Ekeren (Antwerp), Belgium

[ Hobbies & Special Skills ]
Hiking, Music, Variety of sports, Travelling and Adventure, Friends and Family

[ Slogan ]
Adventure can be found when leaving the path of 'mainstream'; sheep are comfy, but panthers are more fascinating.

1995 Born
2008 - 2013 Elementary school Moretus Ekeren, Belgium
2013-2016 Bachelor in Bio-engineering at the University of Antwerp, Belgium
2016-2018 Master in Bio-engineering, major at Cell and Gene technology, minor Human Health applications, at the KULeuven, Belgium
2018-2023 Doctoral degree at ETH Zurich/Empa Duebendorf, Switzerland
2023-present JSPS post-doctoral fellowship at Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University