Lab Info

Department of Biomolecular Science and Regulation (Nishino Lab.)

# Multidrug Resistance # Bacterial Infection # Multi-drug Efflux Pump # Drug Discovery for Infectious Diseases

In recent years, infections caused by "drug-resistant" bacteria, which are difficult to treat, have been on the rise and have become a worldwide problem. People use antimicrobial agents for treatment, but bacterial cells become resistant and the drugs gradually become ineffective. The purpose of our research is to understand bacterial drug resistance mechanisms and to develop novel therapeutic strategies to overcome the problem of drug-resistant bacterial infections. In particular, we focus on the "drug efflux pumps" that allow bacteria to export drugs. We have identified many pump genes, found that they are involved in resistance, and that bacteria regulate the expression of these genes by sensing their environment. We are currently exploring the possibility of novel therapies to reduce drug resistance with the aim of developing drugs that inhibit these pumps. We are also working on the development of a new method to identify drug-resistant bacteria for early diagnosis and appropriate selection of antimicrobial agents. Our goal is to create a world without the burden of disease caused by infectious diseases.


Kunihiko Nishino Professor
Research Map
Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences (2003, Osaka University)

2015 – present 

Professor, SANKEN, Osaka University (Distinguished Professor of Osaka University from 2020) 

2009 - 2015

Associate Professor, Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University

2007 - 2009

Assistant Professor, Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University

2006 – 2010

Researcher (concurrent) , PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency

2005 - 2007

Research Assistant Professor, Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University

2003 - 2005

Post-doctoral Fellow

2001 - 2003

Doctoral Fellow








Tsuyoshi Nishi Associate Professor Research Map
Seiji Yamasaki Associate Professo Research Map
Mitsuko Hayashi-Nishino Associate Professor Research Map
Atsushi Taguchi Assistant Professor Research Map
Ryosuke Nakashima Specially Appointed Associate Professor Research Map
Martijn Zwama Specially Appointed Associate Professor Research Map
Drug efflux pump responsible for bacterial multidrug resistance. Antimicrobials are taken up through the multiple channels (CH1-4) of the pump and exported via drug-binding pockets and the tunnel.
Discrimination of Drug-Resistant Bacteria Using AI. Machine learning is used to discriminate between drug-resistant (left) and drug-susceptible (right) bacteria in electron microscope images, and the regions of interest are visualized as the basis of discrimination.

Current Research Topics

  • Mechanisms of bacterial drug resistance
  • Functional analysis of drug efflux pumps and development of inhibitors
  • Development of a new methods to identify drug-resistant bacteria
  • Physiological functions of efflux transporters and drug discovery
Lab Info

Department of Biomolecular Science and Regulation (Nishino Lab.)
