Ippei Harada

[ Hometown ]
Kagoshima, Japan

[ Hobbys & Special Skills ]
Watching and breeding plants, Bonsai, Climbing mountains,
Survival in nature, Caving, animals, Common woodlouse,
Kendo 3rd grade(dan), Idea, Talking,
Getting interested in something, Golf, Making goods by hand,
Making rope

[ Slogan ]
Get strong like Roadside weeds.
Fighting spirit and Vitality make it.
If you notice good deed, do it earlier.
“出水兵児修養掟 Izumiheko shuyo no okite” Slogan for young soldiers in Izumi, Satsuma in end of Edo era

1999 Born in Izumi Kagoshima. Got interested in plants.
2002 Moved to Okinoerabu island. Enjoyed tropical nature.
2006 Returned to Izumi. Began golf.
2009 Began kendo.
2011 Had lived in Amami island for 10months. Enjoyed tropical flora and animals.
2015-2018 Izumi high school, Got third grade(dan) of kendo.
2018 - present School of Engineering, Osaka University, Exploration club